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“Frontier wouldn’t make something of note & have it never be found.” – Quote from another post. Do you think it’s true?

Ugh, I HATE that. Do we know, for SURE, that this statement is true?

I mean, has Frontier come out and said anything about it?

Recently (last year I think?), they came out with all of the stats for the anniversary I believe…0.5% discovered, XXXX limpets killed blah blah, anyone remember?

Someone PLEASE get Frontier to tell us, what percentage of 'unique' things are there left to find? Have ALL generation ships (that they've placed in-game), been discovered? Are there any thargoid/guardian structures that haven't been found (a new type)? Is Raxxla truly in the game, and is it absolutely impossible to find, without a ton of luck?

Is there a new scenario, nobody has found? Maybe an 'Earth' type planet, but for a lifeform that almost made it to the 'Colonizing Another Planet' phase, but not quite…before the comet hit? Finding an 'ISS' with a few dead bodies, a few ship logs, and a dust covered planet below?

Even if they lied to us, I wouldn't be upset as long as it was put there eventually…


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