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Future heroes based on Dota’s Dragon’s Blood book 2

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So I don't often take time to write stuff on reddit, but I always lurk around this sub because…well Dota. Been a player since back in 2004-5. And let's just say, I'm literally ecstatic that we now have a proper Lore instalment through Dragon's Blood.

That being said, here are my thoughts on which character from the series should make it in the game, in no particular order

– Bram; I would see him as some sort of a support, not too clear on his abilities, His ultimate could be a passive related to the ring Auroth gave him In the form of a passive that can proc the shielding abiliy?

– Kaden; Goes without saying, this guy is BAD-ASS, and it would do well to include another real DragonKnight. I would see him as a swift hero, but long cooldowns. Sturdy as well, since, you know,he's a knight and all.

– Fymryn; Her abilities in the show looks real cool, she would make the perfect candidate for a new "assassin" type hero imo. And her connection to Karl is cool as well. I would expect her to be slow ("a la" Drow) but have access to her "teleportation" (I would not put it global, as we already know how much of a pain it is to deal with those) but something like 1200 unit. And her shapeshifting could be very nice addition, although we already have Morphling, i'm pretty sure there's something to be done that would distinguish the both of them enough.

– Slyrak; I would not mind seing more Eldwurm in the game itself, Dragons are cool. nuff said.

– Asar? (the Ursa looking Guard); Drawing a blank on his name, but this guy looked cool, and reminded me of a less rage-induced Ursa, which could be nice and add to the potential lore of Ursa 🙂

-Selemene; I think it could be very interesting to introduce a proper "goddess" of the Dota lore into the game, although it might be hard to explain how a god is slain or overpowered but hey we already have Zeus and such

Along with those I also thought that given what we saw from Auroth during Book 2, a slight redesign of Winter Wyvern would be nice, And I would suggest that the Scepter upgrade be changed to give Auroth a way to change into a Human form giving her different abilities.It could be argued that DK as well should have his ult redesigned considering how he looks when transformed in the show, but tbh I wouldn't want to have everything changed into what the show portrays.

That being said, all of that is my personal opinion, feel free to discuss about it or propose your own ideas!


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