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Going on an Adventure!

fictional character

I was playing with 2 friends last night and 1 decided to go exploring for new mountain biomes. He took the large boat. Sailed a good distance and found a nice mountain so set up a base and then realized mistake #1… didn't bring any mats for a teleporter. mistake #2… he set his spawn there. Then went exploring some more. literally sailed half the world away. got fairly close to a swamp biome and a wraith came out and sucker punched him! Killed him half a world away, his spawn on a new island with no materials. At this point he doesn't ask for help, doesn't even let us know what's going on. We think he's just out sailing. That's him, he likes to explore. SO he builds a raft, and ever so slowly makes his way half way across the world again to his body…. and the wraith is just sitting there and kills him again.

Now he asks for help. Explains the whole situation to us. Our other friend and I hop in our smaller boat, and we begin the long trek to his spawn point. Boy howdy let me tell you, the game did not want to make it easy for us. He had set up a little house to keep him safe, and as soon as the house comes into view… as soon as we see it…the forest moves against us. 2 trolls charge him and start beating his house to pieces. He's running is circles just trying not to die while we deal with the trolls but finally SUCCESS!! Hop in the boat and set sail for his body and our large boat. Wind is against us, literally storming the entire time… I think 2 days pass. 4 sea serpents attack. One of us is completely useless because he's in his undies and has no equipment. Finally we make it to his body and sure enough…. right out in open day light is that wraith. I didn't even think they could be out during the day but this one was. As we are about to fight the wraith, another sea serpent starts attacking the boat! almost destroys it before we finish both off. Now we gotta make repairs. I have some wood on me to make a crafting station so we go to the swamp biome and instantly get set upon by NEVERENDING Leeches! I mean never ending… no few than 3 at a time, they just kept coming. I have never seen that amount of leeches in my life… and 1 of us cant do anything because he's in his undies. We do fix the boat and head back out. We grab our big boat as well and now we have ourselves a convoy…. on the water. On the way back home, we find a turtle island! Sweet! we can always use some Chitin. First swing of the pickaxe, Storm time and both our boats are crashing into the island. We hurry back to the boats so they don't break apart and (you know what's coming) Hi Mr. Sea serpent!! Ugh… deal with him and look back and the turtle island is gone. We did end up getting most of it though.

Finally, we limp back home. I don't think I have ever been more drained on an outing in my life.


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