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Ground Security makes the Space Security look forgiving

So I decided to get Odyssey because it's on sale right now. Have been playing the base game for about 4 weeks now, I have a good grasp on most of the mechanics and currently have myself a nice Federal Dropship. Once I got through the tutorial and was able to get back into the actual game I picked up a mission to retrieve an item from a settlement. Not illegal, no risk, just an excuse to learn about active settlements.

I get there, have to land nearby in the barren field cause they don't have room for my bulky ship. Find out immediately that ground security will randomly choose to scan you for any bounties. And unlike getting scanned in space, you get warned that noncompliance triggers a lethal response. Sure, whatever, it's annoying but not excessively so. Then I realize that sometimes you get flagged down for a scan by someone a floor up, or on the other side of a barrier. And they walk slow as hell.

After retrieving the item, I get called out for a scan by a guy on a catwalk above me. The staircase is a fair distance away. I decide to try and speed up the process by meeting him halfway. I get fined for not submitting to a scan and now the whole base wants to kill me.

Two lessons I learned here: First, trying to be polite with law enforcement is illegal. Second, NPCs on the ground struggle to hit a moving target. Thankfully my FDS was tanky enough to make an escape with minimal damage.

I'd just like to know some general dos and don'ts of dealing with ground forces, because after some more incidents in missions after that it feels like they are just waiting for any excuse to blow your brains out.


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