So, don't beat me down too hard for this as I never actually dug down deep into the lore behind it all.
Since the two sides of the Guardian Civil War were one which harnessed biological warfare, and the other technological, couldn't it be possible that the AI decided it would just be best to combine them?
I know there's stuff about the war with Thargoids and the Guardians, but I'm not sure we know how definitive that info is? I don't know why very little is known about the biology of Thargoids (still…we haven't pulled a body out of a wreckage, to my knowledge).
I think it's a combination of either the two factions of the Guardians, or a combination of those two and the older Thargoids, but the disappearance just doesn't make sense.
Bio-enhanced AI seems more likely. And the reason they get so pissed about Guardian tech is the same reason we humans destroy things that remind us of 'dark times'.
What do you think? I'm completely bat-shit crazy? Besides that, I meant about the theory…