Lilit’s Omen

witcher gwent cards

Has anyone found even a remote use for this card? I tested in in training mode and even with the thoerycrafted Mammuna + Gerni combo it significantly underperforms; not only that, but a lot of the time you don't even what to use them in the same turn, not to metion that that's a 35 provision combo for 27 points (yes, Gerni is an engine, just talking about the deploy value).

Overall, a 12p card that basically just kills two cards from your deck will most likely never see play (imo, even at 9p this would be bad), so I'm hoping for a change in design, not just provisions. Perhaps something like "and give Rupture to any that has a provision cost higher than 10", to keep greed in check (same restriction as Caranthir).

It's a shame, though, this card's art is just amazing, I hope it gets some love next season.


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