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Harmony cards need to be rebalanced

the witcher and ciri gwent

I am not one to usually complain about meta decks and whatnot since I can always push past rank 3 with whatever semi viable deck I want like assimilate, bounty, firesworn, waylay spam, NG cultists and status NG plus some meme decks like thick Albrich or even SK rain and NR guard spam.

However, I have noticed that the one deck that always causes me the most problems for the past 3 seasons is Harmony. It just vomits points and is super tricky to play against depending on whether I have drawn any of my control cards.

The whole deck from top to bottom just has everything. Consistency, you got Saskia pulling out your best bronzes providing extreme amounts of tempo in any long round. Removal in the form of the poison package and Heatwave and their scenario is the single most powerful one in the game, casually providing upwards of 20 points with no real setup.

I just don't know how to deal with the deck if I can't successfully bleed round2. In round1 if they play Saskia it will be very difficult for any deck to keep up and gain round control but on the other hand you also don't want to stay in the round for so long as to let them thin out more bronzes which doesn't solve the problem because then they will bleed you round2 with both Saskia and the scenario. If they didn't pull Saskia they can just play Dana Meadbh for disgusting carryover value so good luck if you don't have some cheap locks or removal with you. The whole deck in general just has so many high point targets that even removal heavy decks struggle against them since even heatwaving their scenario won't stop them from just playing Quarixis and leader for massive points. Their chameleons are also extremely good because they can get replayed which means that things like low but consistent damage and statuses don't counter them.

The only time I beat them is when they don't draw Saskia and I am going first since in that way I can secure round1 even with one card down and then bleed them round2 and pray that my round3 cards have more power than theirs. The only decks that seem to perform well against them are NG status, maybe NG cultists and maybe SY bounty because of the amount of control they have but in my opinion it still stupid how easily they can get even to 150 points and yes I understand that the deck is heavily draw dependent and much worse when playing red but that just shows the overall power of a few select cards in the deck.

Too many of their cards are over tuned and need to be rebalanced.

  1. Reduce the base power of the chameleon by 1, so that it procks harmony one less time
  2. Reduce Dana Meadbh base power down to 6 so that is more easily removable and reduce the boost to cards on deploy from 2 to 1
  3. Reduce Antherion power by 1 as to make it easy to remove before it gives harmony
  4. Make Saskia or Quarixis 14 provisions
  5. Maybe make it so that the scenario only progresses when you play gold harmony cards. This could be a bit too much but still

What do you think?


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