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Headsets ruin the game, tbh.

It's fascinating that the majority consensus on this sub is always that the game is too ratty, that there's too much camping, yet most here get booty blasted immediately if you point out the biggest elephant in the room. This has been a problem forever, but pre-inertia movement and peeker's advantage was so broken that it didn't matter. Comtac 4s have only exacerbated an issue that already existed.

The ability to hear people walking or aiming their guns from 70 meters away is the reason everybody is afraid to move. If your response to that is "bUt ThAt'S HoW ActIvE HeAdSeTs wOrK in rEaL LiFe" then accept that the game will be like this from now on. There is no other alternative when 10+ players are moving through relatively small maps. Maybe it wouldn't be as cancerous in something like Day Z, but here we are.


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