Hello, I have a questions about engineering.

I am playing on a console and have Horizons only DLC, no Odyssey.

I’ve unlocked Felicity Farseer engineer by bringing her 1 meta alloy that I got from Barnacle forest AQ-Y D81 planet C2. Right now I need to check FSD wake signals to increase my range to 15%.

I honestly had been following multiple guides on how to properly land, use scarab, use detailed surface scanner, planet probing etc. I started playing just recently, tried some combat, little bit of system mapping with discovery scanner and Robigo passenger missions that allowed me to farm around 250 million in assets like Dolphin, iEagle, Python.

Currently I am flying Kreit Phantom with 5A FSD and I want to outfit it with deep space exploration in mind, including planetary landings. My current goal is to get from Pathfinder to Elite, so I can make Jameson Memorial my home base.

The problem I am currently facing is understanding how Engineering works.

Do I just need to unlock it once and then can outfit this modification on any FSD at Farseer station on any ship? Do I need to constantly collect materials to upgrade each individual FSD? I’ve also pinned blueprint, is this for tracking or I could use that blueprint on any station and I don’t need to land on Farseer every time I need to upgrade? Is there any useful resources to look up locations for materials?

I’ve also seen some guides on YouTube and a guy was doing perk rolls on it to get optimal additional perks. I am honestly confused. I’ve seen some ship outfitting guides on YouTube and I saw someone had guardians FSD booster. What is it and how to get it?


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/w82naq/hello_i_have_a_questions_about_engineering/

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