High G Camera movement

While messing around in compromised nav beacons farming mats in my missile mamba I noticed that sometimes while pulling high Gs my camera moves so far and turns so much that the local chat box comes up. *Odd*, I thought and ignored it.

For context, I'm home from college right now so I'm playing on my laptop using keyboard for everything. "Primary Fire" is mapped to space bar. You may be able to see where this is going.

At one point as I was orbiting an elite anaconda I hit space bar and… nothing happened. I suddenly couldnt even control my ship. when I hit space, it opened the chat box because the camera had turned so far that not only can I not see half my HUD, but it opened the chat box and i was desperately trying to tell the NPCs about how "66686d5s5 wwwwwwww w wwwwwwww8444444444444
88888844444 444444a65s".

Why is there no option to scale or turn off entirely this high G camera displacement? Its incredibly annoying in fast ships when I can't tell where they are because my radar is too far down to see. I already have my FOV set to max.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/rmdf4d/high_g_camera_movement/

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