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How are my fellow Shadow Demon pickers feeling about Disseminate?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I reinstalled for the new patch and I’ve been doing so well with the new ability. I’ve won 6 out of 7 games on him and regularly rack up 10-17 kills as support.

The damage amp is really nasty and the huge range is awesome as in mid to late game it can be hard to get close enough to enemies safely. I can safely catch someone with disseminate and purge from the backline and have my team focus them while I save disruption for defense.

It also improves your solo kill potential so much. There are so many times as Shadow Demon where you stack 5 poison but your team doesn’t capitalize so they walk away with like 20% health, and Disseminate secures these kills by amping the Release damage. It’s also fantastic for those scenarios where you sneak up on a farming carry and use Disrupt+Purge. I get multiple solo kills per game that I could not have achieved with the old Soul Catcher.

I’ve also had some great moments using it with TA and Sven where someone unlucky enough to get caught next to their friend just gets deleted. And of course it’s pretty hilarious to put it on your offlane when they get focused and kill one of their squishy heroes before they realize what’s going on. My most recent game was with a Spectre and the amount of damage people would take when they tried to kill her was just silly


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