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How bad were you when you first started? + some questions

I only started yesterday and have already put in like 10+hours but I'm still ass at PvP and have many more deaths than kills. I still get killed by an NPC scav now and again but am slowly killing more of them.

How bad we're you when you started? I've been telling myself this is just the learning faze and not to get put off by how much I'm getting killed. Iv got plenty of loot, my current stash is worth 2.5million and its a total clusterfuck of items and its full up.

1)Which trader is best to sell my guns/mags/ammo to?

2)do I keep paracord,vases or anything highly valuable to sell at flea market when I get to level 5 or just sell to a trader (if so which one)

3)I want to upgrade from left behind to EOD when the sale is on but heard I might need to reset which im okay with but how many of you that upgraded to EOD had to reset to get extra stash and gamma? Also if I upgraded and didn't need to wipe would I get the extra loot from EOD or would I only get that with a wipe?

4) I'm doing loot runs on shoreline basically low risk low reward but which other map is good for beginners that doesn't involve high risk

I just fucking love this game, my brother picked it up today too so I got a partner to run with and its just sick. When this game works its on another level.

Anyways thanks for reading, I'm gonna be dreaming of looting tonight, yes I'm a RAT lmao.


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