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How do you get out of a low behavior score?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I didn't play dota for half a decade, but my account was high mmr. I recently started playing again, calibrated and did okay most of games and was placed somewhere in Ancient tier, but my behavior score was somewhere around 7000 which I'm guessing is super low? Behavior scores were not a thing when I last played, you were just put in low priority if you left too many games or got muted.

Anyways, every loss resulted in people reporting me, and wins sometimes resulted in enemies reporting for smurfing, even though I hardly chat and don't have a mic. After an unlucky loss streak, with lots of people just reporting everyone, I was dropped to 6500

Now my queue time is about 30 minutes on average (NA and EU region), and all the games are absolute shit with people just running it down mid 2 min in or fighting for core roles without rolling. The reports are consistent, people just play 1-2 games a day, throw, and report people they don't like for no reason other than that they lost.

Regardless of what I do or change, a loss will likely result in reports, and a win will hardly change anything. With my winrate of around 50%, this means my behavior score will just remain the same or go lower until I start getting a higher winrate, and I'm obviously still too rusty to carry all my ancient games and go to immortal. I had a game where I was 27-6 SF hard carrying the game and trying my best while my team was shitting itself, last fight I got caught by a smoke gank and died which instantly lost us the game and my entire team reported me.

Thinking about quitting as I don't see a workaround for this? And sitting in 30 minute queues only to have a leaver/thrown game is the worst thing I've ever had to experience in online gaming


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