Creative way to efficiently teleport that I invented – The Portal Catalogue

New Valheim update

i have a portal catalogue set up. how it works is by setting a main portal (at your base) and changing the number of the main portal to wherever you want to go. for example, my base portal will be set to nothing, portal to Eikthyr will be “001”, portal to The Elder will be “002”, portal to Bonemass will be “003”. If i wanted to go to the Elder i would set my base portal to “002”. If i wanted to go to Bonemass from The Elder i would go back to my base via the portal, and change the number to “003”.

I also have an emergency portal set up just incase i need to get back home as fast as possible. the emergency portal is right next to my base portal and is labeled “000”. Whenever venturing to a new island i always bring enough for a portal on my boat and place it down as soon as i beach to make sure i never have a chance of losing my stuff.

Disclaimer: if you try to use this portal catalogue, always wait at least 10 seconds after changing from one portal to another. the game lags behind and might send you to the portal you were set to before you chose the new portal. if this ever were to happen to you, use the emergency portal to return home and set the base portal to the portal of your choice, go back through the emergency portal, and then set the designated portal as the same as your base portal.

sorry if my english makes no sense, i’m not from another country, im just dumb


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