How many days of data analytics needed to figure out Renfri is busted?

witcher gwent cards witcher table

Who likes those posts about people whining and exaggerating about "XYZ deck is SO BROKEN it is the ONLY deck I play against on latter"

Yeah well I've been playing for 3 years and this is that alternate timeline where that statement is actually legitimate. 50 or so games the past 2 weeks and maybe except 4 players weren't playing Renfri because it was Kitty or some fucking poor syndicate player. The latter is literally all Renfri, Renfri, Renfri. How to play more Renfris?

Hot fix crying is usually pretty pathetic because most things legitimately don't need it, but Renfri? Is there another card that is as equally universally agreed upon by all of players to be as busted? Even Tunnel Drill and aerondight had people defending it. But Renfri? The deck building cost is negligible because its a 30 point floor with a 60 point ceiling, most of which is usually carryover because fuck it, why not. Do we really need to sit through the entire patch cycle to watch out this card get 1 provision nerf?


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