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How many Indian players there are in Dota 2? Is there even a Dota 2 pro team?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

I just thought that since India possibly has even more than 1.5 or 1.5 billion population.

It has more Dota 2 players than Phillippines since they don't have their own server to play ranked so they use the SEA server to play it. So by default, I ended up thinking this.

So what my main question is why isn't there a HINDI coaching language or any common or national language of India available in the Dota 2 client to use the coaching option comfortably I'm asking this because many of my friends can't speak English so thought it might come in handy even if they don't speak Hindi they can just use it to speak their own language since they will know from the beginning that another guy they are joining will the Indian, yes, I'm talking about Tamil, Telugu etc.,

So maybe you guys can pop up on this post and show Valve how many you are in numbers so they can implement this feature or just leave your thoughts on this matter.


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