This deck seems to do everything – obviously there’s the completely busted KOB/Savolla finisher, but it wouldn’t be so bad if you could actually bleed it out but you can’t. The deck has such insane mid-range/removal potential that it’s basically impossible to put them under any real pressure R2. Sigi/Caesar gives them ridiculous coins/pointslam at will so they can drop a board-wipe with Whoreson
Pretty much every game I gave goes like this:
- Win R1, usually going a card down
- Try to bleed out Savolla for some chance of a decent R3 except whoops there goes Sigi and Whoreson/Phillips so now I’m still a card down but there’s no way to pressure enough to draw out Savolla
- Likely still has their leader ability since Sigi/Caesar gave them all the coins they need so at-will 31 pointslam in a short R3