How the hell is puck supposed to make impact?

DOTA 2 Guides

I don't get it. Normally I play right-clicky pos 2s like Viper or SF at mid at around mid-legend/ancient level and do pretty well.

Today I tried to play puck and I lost every game hard. Even against matchups I'm supposed to be okay at (pos 1's going mid on enemy team).

So I even went to demo mode made myself level 7 puck, made a level 6 lifestealer and made it auto attack me, while I tried to kill it. (just so I could get a hint for how I'm supposed to chain spells etc.).

And.. I died.

As in.. the level 6 lifestealer with nothing but an auto-attack command won against me trying to do all this orb juke, ulti phase waning attack combo.

At this point, I just don't know. How DOES this hero work? On paper when you go to gank, your orb is the only damage you have that is a fixed 300 damage at max level. Waning rift at low levels (level 7 gank, 2 points) seems to only do 100 damage or so.

Is Puck just very gimped at the moment? Or is there some secret faerie cross kick combo I'm missing or something?

I got the gist of Rift->Orb->Shift->Jaunt, and can do that reliably.


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