How to play ranked when people refuse to speak a language you understand?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

So I've been trying my hand at ranked again, haven't for quite some time, as my mates always play unranked just for fun.

Last time I placed I was around Legend 3~ so getting matched up around archon 4-legend 2 right now looking at other people.

Anyway, not sure if it's this bracket, or just my luck, 7 games played today towards getting my rank, and 5 of which I've been with full teams, not speaking English at all [on EU west]. It's some what I assume is cyrrilic based language, russian, ukrainian or the likes.

I try to communicate best I can with pings and stuff, but in ranked I feel you need a bit more coordination. Is this just how it's like on EU overall nowadays? Or is it just my 'bracket' or w/e you wanna call it?

So far on a 50%-ish winrate so not gonna complain about losing because if it, because sometimes it works regardless. I'd just rather understand whatever the entire team is talking about all the time.


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