How to restore NG to former glory

Yennefer's Journey

So NG has officially become the least reliable faction (refer to top16 qualifiers). Assimilate was strong until it received multiple nerfs and it is not as strong anymore, understandable.

But why is there NO reliable second deck in this imperial faction at all?! What was the identity of this faction before the release of Braathens and Terranova?

I took a look through the deck builder and came up with the following possible decks/archetypes NG has:

Assimilate (obviously, many variations)

Masquerade ball poisons/status


Tactics (with enslave Ardal/Calveit)

Illusionist spam (with Vrygheff/Vreemde)

Hyperthin (also possible with nova/nekker)

Mill (also possible with nekker)

Clog kolgrim

Spies (also possible with Sihil)


Which of these decks are just memes and which of them can be buffed in a way (possibly over 1 or max 2 balance patches) to offer the NG player a new reliable option?

Note: between 6-8 prov slots are FILLED with cards that are very BAD as standalones and also do NOT fit in ANY of the above mentioned deck options.


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