“There would be nothing to do in ship interiors”: a refutation

Usually whenever the topic of ship interiors is brought up, ‘nothing to do’ is often brought up as a reason to not have them.

I would like to dispute that with some ideas I came up with in all of about ten minutes.

  1. Module repair without AMFU: Fairly self explanatory, the trade off would be an increase in time, needing to travel to different parts of the ship, and potential damage to you or the module if done incorrectly.

  2. Storing ammo in cargo: Here would be a great opportunity to implement an obvious feature, storing ammo in cargo bays. This would allow you to go to a cargo or ammo section of the ship and do some silly mini game to transfer ammo to the weapons

  3. More in depth piracy: Traders would have the option to ‘lock down’ their cargo hold, stopping limpets from stealing, but disabling their engines. Then to steal cargo pirates would have to board the ship and go to the cargo bays to manually release it, allowing the ship captain to attempt to thwart them or die in the process.

  4. Module boosts: Playing on the idea of things like FSD injections , we could move forward with the player being able to give temporary bonuses to different modules by going to and interacting with them. Things like slightly better capacitor times, shield resist improvements, and faster acceleration / deceleration, etc

  5. Passenger / cargo improvements: Stuff cargo in your bed! Tune the tv for your picky tourists! Fix a coolant leak to increase passenger payments! All things that could be done with simple mini games or more complex gameplay.

Okay that’s it for the ten minutes of ideas, I’m sure I could come up with more but the basic point is that there are definitely more than no things to do with ship interiors.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/tbd586/there_would_be_nothing_to_do_in_ship_interiors_a/

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