How will Battle State deal with inflation after launch?

This has been my first wipe and it is SO MUCH EASIER when you actually know what to do and how to play.

It got me and a friend wondering what they're going to do at launch when we assume there won't be anymore wipes. Have Nikita or anyone said anything about how they'll manage inflation? Once you get lvl 2 bitcoin farm theres no reason not to be making close to 50m rubles a month and you simply dont need that much money. Right before the pre-wipe events I literally couldnt get rid of my money fast enough.

We have a couple of ideas, curious to get your thoughts and feel free to share your own!

1) Natural disaster that destroys hideout

2) Be able to place bounties on people who kill you (more expensive for higher level)

3) Have scavs and raiders and cultists make you a priority and hunt you out once your past a certain net worth (maybe 50m rubles?)

4) Dealers get kidnapped and you have to pay to get them out of a jam

Once people are in the billions of rubles. which will easily happen within a year of launch, how will that fuck with everything if there isnt a way to sink those rubles into something useful?


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