I actually really enjoy the scav AI

Alot of people are saying that they are aimbot and whatnot and how terrible it is to die by a scav. But I honestly really like the way they are acting.

Just yesterday I heard a scav voiceline in a building on streets during the first five minutes (I really don't think it could've been a playerscav. While I go inside to clear the house of the fellow I find him literally holding a corner and crouched as if he heard me.

Now this really seems like pscav behaivor, but unless a psav just happenend to spawn in the first five minutes and perfectly time his voicelines to seem like the AI, it must've have been a bot.

In a perfect world scavs should act like any pscav, not the walking sound makers everyone is asking them to be.

The only thing I will say that I dislike about AI scavs is the variable health nonsense. Bushes and whatever also sucks, especially when you are laying in grass on woods, but I think it at the very least forces players to move around when camping choke points.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/zzf1yx/i_actually_really_enjoy_the_scav_ai/

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