I am looking for some advice please

I have started doing robigo runs. Very fun. I like them. Im currently doing them in my beluga. I do not have any engineering done and I'm not going to be able to for sometime. I am aware this will hamper my options but I have to work with what I have.

Here's the question,

I currently have at my disposal 3 ships to do robigo with and only 6 passenger cabins. 2 class 6, 2 class 4, and 2 class 3 all business cabins. My ships are the beluga (17 ly jump range currently takes 5 jumps to Sirius and 5 back to robigo). I have a python but it amounts to 5 jumps as well. My other option is the anaconda. It does show a slightly higher jump range 21 ly but it doesn't appear to make the run any shorter. They are stripped bare of weapons and any extras. Im wondering if there's anything I can do to make them go further. I know about the pre engineered class 5 fsd but I cant get it right now.

I understand there's probably nothing in this situation and that's OK, the community knows way more then I can learn so I'm here to ask. Thanks commanders o7

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/t9smni/i_am_looking_for_some_advice_please/

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