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I Enjoy this game, not the players.

Right I like STW alot. I used to play it and could never understand why I stopped. But now I remember.

I had a good game with a guy and we built a decent fort and defended against a cat3 storm. It was fun, he trapped up since his were better and I dealt with fortifications since iv built myself for it. Thats the only decent experience iv had recently were I enjoyed myself.

** But then there's this shit!**
I do not want to sub to your YouTube channel or use your creator code in the store. So please stop following me and dropping shit then complaining. No means no.

My last match a dick head called Netox or some shit was destroying our forts traps in the middle of wave 2 and doing absaloutely nothing to help defend. He wasn't the first to do this, but he went to some good lengths to get it done. As far as continuing to smash it as I was repairing.

The sheer amount of traders that hound me and drop weapons constantly is insane. Fuck off, seriously. I dont want your shit!

Whenever I place my base down there's always somone who sits and waits for the recycle to kick in and takes the resources. Why?! If I built the damn fort why take the resources?! No matter where I move it to they follow me and wait for it to drop. Fucking leeches man. Piss off and harvest some yourself. That helps me repair on the fly.

And dont even get me started on people who just dance ontop of the fort and do nothing. If I had a kick button… you fuckers would be gone.

To you people that love this game and make it a joy… please play more. I need more good experiences before I hate this again.


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