I hate the new update, here’s why.

I have nothing at all against mantling, sliding and such however after playing a few missions with the new update I'm finding all the things I actually need to do are more difficult and these new BR features get in the way and slow everything down with the way they were put into STW.

  • Upgrading is a royal pain in the ass now
    I used to be able to just jump up and press the thumbstick in and upgrade roof tiles 2 above me. This now requires you hold it down which has made it difficult to activate the upgrade. You can hold the thumbstick in and walk to multiple walls while it is in to keep upgrading, however since the walls typically don't all finish at the same time this is a step down from what we had previously.
  • Repairing walls in a pinch is slower and more glitchy
    It used to be when you were in a mission and things were getting hairy with propane tanks and smashers you could quickly walk up and start the wall repair. This now requires you to sit there and hold the thumb stick in for a couple seconds in the middle of the battle which is a problem. It also means you may also miss activating the repair or be knocked out of it. Again it feels like a major step down.
  • Core STW was given secondary priority over the new BR features
    Rather than having to hold the button for a second to crouch which you rarely NEED to actually do in STW, the things we actually need to do, and need to do often in STW are the things that now require holding of buttons and such.
  • Still experiencing the class issues, but now even new issues
    Still experiencing the issues from last patch in which some abilities don't activate properly, but in addition I have encountered additional issues such as in one match the seismic smash would animate like the hero was switching a weapon on their back and if you repeatedly pushed it, it would just keep doing the glitch and never activate. You had to full stop and back off and then try again. (This is a real problem considering it is a fairly close range ability and when it fails you get swarmed)
  • Seeing even more movement glitches
    Seeing even more glitches now where things just stop working or fail randomly. As an example I was in a mission where you would jump and it would react like something was above you and you would sort of do a tiny jump and then it would immediately cancel. There was nothing above the player.
  • Building in general is now slower which is not good considering most missions are timed
    It seems building is taking longer in missions. This is not a good thing since most missions are timed and you don't have time to waste, especially when a lot of people don't contribute to building or defense… or the mission at all.
  • Again the BR features have exposed more glitches and issues
    People are already finding paths through maps that should be there and lead to them getting under the maps and such. STW wasn't designed for crouching and when it was added the game wasn't updated to close all the holes it causes in levels and storm shields.
  • Still being overrun by animals that screw with your base and waste your traps
    Nothing done with the terrible animals that have no place in STW. In fact they are even more annoying since the new controls take longer to build and upgrade you experience even more animals screwing with you and your build.

I like the idea of the new features but the cost they have come at is not worth it. This is NOT BR. We have ninjas who can jump up a tile or more, Guardians Will to jump up a tile, ramps, jump pads and such that fit into STW, intrusive BR controls are not helpful. To be honest I almost never have wanted to crouch in STW and it certainly isn't worth sacrificing the easy upgrading and repairing we used to have, I don't think I will be contributing building or upgrading anymore in missions simply because it is a pain in the ass now. I would actually prefer to be able to restore the old controls even if it means no crouching, sliding or mantling is available, especially the crouching replacing upgrading/repairing.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/vsxfuf/i_hate_the_new_update_heres_why/

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