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I just reached 50.000 scrap spent (Statistics on money spent and collection growth in the first 5,5 months)

witcher triss merigold gwint

I thought this might be interesting for some people to see how much scrap you actually get. I started playing on 25.12.2021 so roughly 5 1/2 months ago.

Total scrap spent: 50.000

Scrap currently saved: 9.448 *

Total: 59.448

Scrap per month (roughly): 10.800

This translates into roughly 75 legendary cards in total or 13-14 legendaries per month. My total collection is now 1.215 / 1.470, the missing cards being 96 Epic cards and 159 Legendary cards.The remaining costs to complete the collection would sum up to 146.400 scraps or roughly another year of collecting. (Including that we consider that you get a new legendary or epic from kegs from time to time)

If we check costs for crafting meta decks, when I started out new decks would usually cost me 5k-6k scrap. Meaning I could craft one or maybe two decks per month. The cost now has gone down to 2k-3k giving me much more options to try decks and different variants.

Lastly, there is the question of money spent. I didn't buy kegs for money, but I bought three premium journeys so far. So the money spent on the collection is roughly 30€ (Premium journeys actually are 1/3 RP and 2/3 cosmetics, but you can't separate the purchase ) Also if you are interested I spent a further 50,95€ on cosmetics meaning in total I spent about the price of a AAA full-price title during this time.

If you go totally free to play (but play enough to finish the journey) my rough calculation is that you miss out on 2.000 scraps in three months from the premium pass. That's not much but you have to consider that you also get double the crowns if you have premium so the time investment is a lot lower.

Overall I would say this illustrates how F2P friendly Gwent really is. I reached Pro the first time on the last days of February season with an SK Warriors deck the great u/KG_HeartsandWine made. (Thanks again for that).

I hope this was interesting for some of you and have a great day and weekend.

/* Note: The scrap saved includes milling non-premium cards where I already own a premium card.

Update: As someone suggested to add, I play roughly 1-2h per day with the exception of the end of last season when the meta became extremely annoying.


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