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i miss old tarkov

back when movement was faster and more responsive

back when guns actually hit your target

back when you could actually see where you are shooting

back when your average players didnt have million limitations which were the result of RMT to name a few(which did almost nothing to stop RMT)

i could drop any item i want on a backpack before switching backpack(now i get a message saying i cant)

back when i could carry as much as rare items i wanted

back when i could stack backpacks

back when i could give my friends who im trying to get hooked on the game some little extra items in hopes they give the game a shot

back when marked room in costumes was a war zone

back when interchange was a warzone if you wanted to get that juicy LEDX or GPU

back when interchange armory was worth the hassle of turning the power on and having 2 expensive keys and fighting your way out of that little shop with the juice you got

back when reserve was the go to if you wanted some military items, now its just an underground raider farm

back when you could use NVIDIA reshade

back when cheaters were mostly in labs keeping other maps somewhat "clean"

squad mates got fed up with all the changes making the game a not fun game and quit the game

after 5 wipes of playing and having a blast, all these changes are slowly taking the fun out of this game for me

dont hate just had to rant into the void thats all.


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