I play on PS4 and I need the help of people who play on PC and try the following bugs, I need them for my trello, whoever helps me I will give credits:
- When using DirectX12 the banners appear with black spots (This seems to have been fixed already but I need more testimonials from other people).
- The B.A.S.E. of the constructors does not appear when opening the traps section the first time when entering a mission (I tried this one and it seems that it doesn't happen anymore, but the same, I need more tests and that they are from other people).
These are for people who have RTX:
- The effect of the eyes of the llamas using RTX are completely black (The dark circles of his eyes look very dark).
- Shading effect on map using RTX looks wrong (Under the heads of the husks on the map there is a shadow, but when using RTX this shadow is square or rectangular).
- Several trees when using RTX are black
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/tycs5n/i_need_your_help_to_test_some_bugs/