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I realized I got much more involved in the game than I first thought

I started playing at the beginning of the summer. Picked up a hotas day one.

The learning curve was… STEEP. But quickly I found myself poking around and with the help of inara by hour 50 into the game I was already feeling home.

I was trading. Got myself a type 6. It funded my trip to some guardian ruins where I farmed for the FSD booster. Being an anarchist I really wasn't into the whole powerplay/faction thing, I just shrugged it all off and focused on doing my own thing alone.

I left the goids alone, avoided killing people. Just explored in my cobra and hauled bauxite in a T6 around my home base of Ryman Market, Popontia.

The game at this point was nothing but min/maxing to me. How to get the best ship with the least effort, jumping the furthest, being the richest…

And it kept going like this for a while.

That is, until the feds started acting up. While I was hauling rocks around I witnessed them genociding my home base over so called "prevention of religious extremism". No religion was ever targetted though, the feds just blasted the locals murdering workers and their families for Zach's popularity rating

I spent a week witnessing the war at my place and didn't think much of it, I just wanted to haul rock. But I got mentally invested in the whole thing. I kept thinking about it, how it was wrong… And how I should have acted on it.

I talked it through with a friend in the alliance. I'm not a big fan of the Alliance who are nothing short of space enlightened centrists. But I wanted to go after the feds after popontia and decided to get into powerplay.

I just today realized that I didn't act as myself. I acted as the anarchist girl from Popontia, hauling rock all day to make a living seeing cool space things, who witnessed her home being genocided as a political stunt for some rich fuck, and found herself into a love/hate relationship with space centrists to get revenge on the feds.

This game had me roleplaying without even realizing it. Out of what was to me a game of achievements, I created a whole story, a whole character, an entire development and reason to play.

This game caught me off guard. I would have never thought I'd be playing this way today. But here I am, with my own story to pursue, and on my way to get revenge of the space capitalists.

Whatever the stargoids end up being, the feds are getting hit. A refugee crisis is coming. War is coming. I can feel it. And when it'll come, I'll be there shooting down the feds.

This game has me way too invested in it


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