This is a short video about ways Imposter selection could be improved.
I know the devs have already spoken out against chance-tracking, as they call it, but I think it can be added in a way that both minimizes meta gaming and improves the experience for most players.
Watch it here:
- Use weighted tables to calculate imposter chance (avoiding 30+ crewmate streaks)
- Don't reduce chance too far when they get imposter (allowing for imposter streaks to still be common and reducing meta-gaming)
- Promote good gameplay with bonus chance (finishing tasks, sticking till end of match, etc)
- Discourage bad gameplay (reduce chance for quitting while alive)
- Modify chance with difficult to quantify variables to make it harder to predict (being killed early, routinely not being voted for)
- Spread the code out to throw people off (tie chance to maps rather than just player account)
- Add player control to further skew the algorithm (prefer crewmate option, or an Imposter Chance boost that resets every 12-24 hours)
What do you think? Would this be good for the game or do you think the devs are right to keep to true-randomness? Would you incorporate this sort of system into your own game if you made one?