Couple days ago I was playing PL, I was pretty ahead and then suddenly, np went level 20 and I'm just useless in the teamfight. I can't w out, manta can't get me out either. I can't join team fight and I can't hit people resulting my illusion quickly die out and I just die from right clicks everytime. it's 40 mins, I can't afford to have a quelling or bf taking away my slot. (diff manta heart bloodthorn skadi and abysal i need them all)
Np leash is just too op imo. most other leashes you can either get a bkb and walk away, or simply manta break it (puck ulti, slark w both can use manta to get out) but not Np leash. Considering bf is a weak late game item, not alot of melee cores actually keep it.
Np's leash is like a mini 1 man chrono with 2 second downtime to many melee cores.
My suggestion is just remove np's leash and change it to something else (like mini aoe stun when tree is broken?) or just make leash not spell immu piercing