My guess is:
Enslave 6 – 11 provinsions ( better version of vigos muzzle, therfore 12 instead of 10)
Imprisionment – 8 provinsions (lock + 3 dmg special is 5 prov and no one plays that, so maybe for 8 it could be played)
Tactical decision: 9 provinsions (7 body + draws, so 9 is fair i guess?)
Imperial formation – 10 provinsions (nothing to compare, so I guess value + engines protection is worth 10 prov)
Impostrer: 10 provinsions (lock + value of usually 7-8 points body should be worth that much)
Invigorate – 14 provinsions (12 value in itself and boosting units in hand is ultra powerful tool)
Guerilla tactics – 10 provinsions( 9 value and protecting engines is strong enough in itself for that price)
Mahakam forge – 6 provinsions tops i guess?
Deadeye ambush – 13 provinsions (value + elves synergies)
Patriadical fury: 12 provinsions (body + bloodthirst synergies)
Reckless fury: 10 provinsions (very powerfull control tool)
Blaze of glory – 9 provinsions (usually hard to find good target to remove with juttato get full value)
Ursine ritual – i have no idea, maybe 6 provinsions, with no use in any other deck outside sigvald build
Royal inspiration: 10 provinsions (a lot of value with grace cards , but bo real use outside grace units)
Piencer Manouver: 8 provinsions tops for me (something like kind of version of triss butterflies)
Inspirational zeal: if restricted only to NR faction no more than 8 provinsions
Shieldwall: 9 provinsions (engine protection and roegener synergy)
I am very poor Monster and SY player so I will restrain myself of guessing , becsuse I dont know that factions so well.
But I am curious: what are Your guess?