If you had access to a Time Machine, at what point in the game’s lore would you most want to go?

Let's say if the entire lore upto this point was playable.

I just watched this video about the timeline of the game's storyline from one of the official authors of the game's narrative.

If I had access to a time machine, I'd want to go to the time when humanity was first starting to spread to different worlds. That's because they were completely blind to what lies ahead in the dark and mysterious galaxy. Like when they went to Tau Ceti and found alien life for the first time. As someone who mainly plays as an explorer in the game, I don't think I could get that kind of thrill some other 'time'.

What about you? What event would you be most interested in participating?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/u4t5bu/if_you_had_access_to_a_time_machine_at_what_point/

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