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I’m living in an Ophthalmoscope groundhog day of misery

I am completely defeated looking for a FIR Ophthalmoscope. It's my first wipe, I've been doing pretty well, and generally I haven't had many problems finding most of the quest items I've needed along the way. The Ophthalmoscope has been the first item where I've really tried to grind at finding it because I want to complete "Private Clinic" for my very first THICC Items Case.

At this point I've done around 60-70 raids into Woods. A mix of both scavs and PMCs. I find that 80% of the time I scav into woods and hit military camp, it's unlooted. And yet, no sign of an o-scope. I've tried the USEC camp spawn every time I've spawned on that end, still nothing. I've also checked Mantis when playing interchange but you guessed it, nothing. I'm at a loss. I've read that Labs may be a good bet but I've never played it and I've read a lot on this sub recently that it's just gigachads on Labs RN so I don't know if I can bare the frustration of 1) learning it enough to find the Oscope and then 2) finding and extracting with one vs the gigas rn.

Am I just unlucky or is this thing impossible to find?


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