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Imagine one wipe where BSG fixes the loot

Wouldn't it be great to be able to have goals like saving up for a red or green keycard? Remember when saving up to buy a set of keys for a map like shoreline and then farming it to make your money back on keys? Shit now days the keys are seemingly worthless and just as rare apparently because the loot inside the rooms is pathetic ie look at reserve marked rooms – I found my first red card in a documents case in the RB-BK room my first wipe (4-5 wipes ago) and I was super happy my friends were angry lol and now you're going to probably get some dogshit guns or a DMR you can't sell on the flea market and there is no good reason for it – I can't think of a single good reason you shouldn't be able to sell SR-25 or RSASS on the flea – everyone fucking runs RFB anyway since it works almost as good for 1/2 the price

But yea can't even buy keycards anymore because of the horrible tax system implementation on flea market that probably does nothing to fight RMT because you can still barter for items


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