Immortal Ranked in EU West made me consider smurfing

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

When I finally reached Immortal playing only pos 5 I was really excited to play quality Dota. Thought this bracket contains the cream of the crop players in the community. Oh, how wrong I was…

  1. Account buyers –
    I don't mind playing against smurfs. Give me four more 6k players and I'd gladly play against Sumail. But if I have one dude who's on archon level, there is no way to win a game. EVERYONE IS BUYING IMMORTAL ACCOUNTS! Ever saw someone be like – yo, wanna buy this guardian account? Hell no! People are so egotistic that they consider them way better than they truly are so they buy high mmr accounts just to ruin other people's games whey they realize they were wrong in the first place.
  2. Weak mentality players –
    Maybe this concerns me more since I'm 30 years old and kinda mature, but when I see these kids giving up after a single death or a failed gank just baffles me. Like, where is your competitive spirit? Where is your desire to win? Do you give up in life the same way after a first hurdle appears? I've had so many games thrown last couple of days just because some manchild got offended or didn't get the neutral item he wanted.
  3. Brainless picks –
    Me: Hey, my friend, why did you pick PA offlane when we have AM carry and Medusa mid?PA: I LiKe pLaYiNg Pa hur dur *goes 1/16 with only BF after 30 mins*
    Yesterday, I had 7 (SEVEN) games in a row where we lost simply because of stupid picks. And I'm not talking about Pudge pickers. Oh no… Viper pos 5, Invoker offlane, Chen mid, Techies carry.Sure, you all remember that Notail's phrase "everything works in Dota". I guess it does, but that's coming from a PRO PLAYER!!! If Notail picks Viper 5, I have no ground to object. But if YOU, a fellow 6k trash like me picks Viper, you just solo ruined the game for 4 other people.Viper: But I win early game and spit on them.Yeah, and you die 14 times while their pos 5 Wyvern solo kills our BKB Mid.
  4. Russians and Middle Easterners
    Now, this might upset some people, but this is strictly my experience. The majority of people I've muted in Dota are exactly these two. Not because I hate them or I'm racist, but because they tend to be vocal during games. And I don't mean vocal in a constructive "hey lets smoke gank bois" but more like "suka blyat ur zo bead delate zis gmae" or "random arab words kos omak (I understand that one) more arab words". I get it, ME doesn't have a server, but Russia has. This was an issue before the war and it still hasn't been resolved. We some region locking system.

Maybe I've reached my peak. Maybe I don't feel good and play poorly. Maybe 50% forced winrate is a real thing. But it's hard playing support and watching your cores ruin games, not because the enemy outskilled us, but because of the things I've mentioned already.

This is the only reason I'm considering playing on my brother's Crusader account. I don't want to stomp lower players, I'd play some fun pos 5 heroes like MK or Magnus and have fun in Dota, because that looks to impossible in Immortal bracket.


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