Is anyone else worried about future updates?

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

This is just a small part of me but I wanted to ask other people's thoughts.

This update has been bad, really, really bad. The AI attacking bases (and carts) has basically ruined the game for me. They no longer attack me, they attack my cart. It makes everything seem so silly and also makes the game incredibly easy because they barely put up a fight. At higher levels, it makes the game annoying.

This should have been picked up instantly. They should never have pushed this update. Now I sit here and I'm a little scared for the future of the game. I trust Iron Gates, but how could they make an update this bad without realising? Worse yet, they haven't made a comment on it yet from what I've seen. It all seems a bit weird.

I just hope they don't change too much. The game is near-perfect and only needs a couple of tweaks and content updates and I'll be happy for years. This wasn't a change that needed to be made. I thought it was pretty bang on with the AI attacking structures before, now it's completely broken.

Does this post have meaning? Not really. I'm just kind of venting my thoughts and hoping they change this back ASAP.


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