Is dota actually trying to be balanced?

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I always assumed that icefrog is trying real hard to bring all the heroes to ~50% winrate, but I'm seriously starting to doubt it.

In the last year or two, there was brood, alchemist, spectre, OD, underlord, then TA, marci and now tinker and enigma, who are just straight up breaking the game, just to name a few.

Those heroes then end up either banned or picked, virtually every game.

I get that it's not possible to put every hero on 50%, but 56+% is just ridiculous, and it almost always happens after some serious rework which the majority of players didn't ask for.

Do we really need those massive hero overhauls that just change the spotlight from one broken nonsense to another? I want to play dota in its rock-paper-scisors ideal, not a game where there's a low-key featured the hero of the month all the time with no counter.

And if we do get those overhauls, which I don't really mind in and of themselves, but why doesn't icefrog just get very conservative with the numbers for once? Just nerf the hero to oblivion as part of the overhaul, let him have a 20% winrate, and then slowly bring the hero up to 50 over many small several patches.

One hero who never wins doesn't break the game, but one hero that always wins, that does.


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