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Is EOD pay to win? This is my personal estimate of where I’d be if I had EOD.

So I'm currently sitting at level 24, with 65% survival rate and 114 raids so far this wipe. I have a 17 million stash value and 1 million in cash.

Yesterday I got up to 4.9 million but then had to pay for my first stash upgrade which should be done by the end of the day just to get some breathing room. I have spent a ridiculous amount of time this wipe organizing my stash. I also bought 2 scav boxes for 1.1 million each, which I probably wouldn't need more than 1 had I had the extra space.

My stash upgrade cost 3 million (these screws are expensive af) + 1.1 million for the extra scav box that puts me at -4.1 million roubles. I also had to purchase two ammo boxes and an extra med's case which I wouldn't have needed if I had EOD. This adds an extra 548k+ 2*182k which is roughly another million. So far -5.1 million roubles that I would have had with EOD in just 3 days in the wipe.

So far these are the undeniable facts, now here's some speculation so bear with me. My container is 2×2 or 4 slots. EOD starts with a 3×3 or 9 slots secure container. This means that every single raid EOD users have an EXTRA 5 slots they can put gear in that can't be looted and they can at least vendor or use for crafts/hideout upgrades/tasks which can save them a lot money in general.

5 slots for 114 raids equals to 570 extra slots so far in 3 days. The value of these slots I would say it's roughly 8-20k since that's the price most items vendor at. I'm not the type of player who brings surgery kits and high tier painkillers, at least not this early into the wipe, I use my container exclusively for profit. I always min max, take something out of the container and replace it with something I can vendor for 11-30k. Most of my raids that I've died I've died after having the opportunity to loot a good amount because I avoid fights and have good spawn knowledge which means that I would have the opportunity to min max my container before I died. But even if died relatively quickly I would at least have saved some meds and ammo which I wouldn't have to buy again after the raid.

So say 5-20k is the average value of these slots, which averages to 12.5k. From that you need to subtract 5k which is the average replacement cost of meds and ammo 35% of the time which is how many times I die. So of 570 slots 200 of them I would have lost the meds/ammo I brought which would only average 7.5k per slot and the other 370 slots which is the times I survived I would have made 12.5k per slot.

Let's do the math 2007500 + 37012500= 1.5million+ 4.625 million= 6.125 million roubles total!

Yes you heard that right my friends, in 3 days I would have made 6,125,000 roubles just by utilizing my secure container and yes I do play a lot. Most people don't have 114 raids in 3 days, but I do so there's that .

Now let's add the total up: 1 million roubles currently in my stash + 5.1 slots in stash size growth costs+ 6.125 million from secure container profit this totals to 12.225 million roubles! Now if you are a veteran Tarkov player making 12.225 million in 3 days in an inflated flea market playing 10 hours a day or something like that isn't by any means a difficult task, most people who are good at the game can make that kind of money if their survival rate is at 65%, now my SR is only this high because it's the early wipe and I can run away and not get gunned down instantly by meta ammo, normally my survival rate is more like 56% (last wipe).

But nonetheless, the fact that I would have over 12 million instead of 1 right now would allow me to run basically meta gear every raid, which would then boost my survival rate even more and I would make an exponential amount of roubles after that point, which would put me in the road to 100 million within a couple weeks. That's how important it is to get a good start in the wipe.

So is EOD pay to win? Well depends on your philosophy of the game, is your definition of winning to have more money than everyone else, to get to meta gear before everyone else, then YES, EOD is pay to win 100% undeniably. If you define winning as having a good time, I guess if you like Tetris and mind bending games then maybe standard is best for you. In my opinion EOD is pay to win and the extra 11.2 million I would have had is a testament to that.

P.S I didn't even try to calculate how many more raids I would have gotten out of the game if I didn't have to spend all this time in my stash finding space and deciding what I should keep and what I should sell. Didn't count the extra starting gear value that you get with EOD, AND didn't account for the inability to do scav runs due to lack of space, which can be extremely profitable!

So if you find some issue with my logic and think I should have less than I estimated, add these 3 factors in and see just how much it could boost this number up.


One comment

  • John 02.01.2022 in 12:55

    Wait….I just did 60(mins) X 24(hrs) = 1440 mins in a day. 1440 divided by 40(average mins in a raid) = 36. So that’s about 36 raids in 1 day if you never left your computer…..bro go outside.

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