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Is it me, or after so many years the game is still broken and unbalanced

witcher triss merigold gwint

Hey guys,

I've been playing this game since 2017. On and off as some seasons and changes were just absolutely unfair.

Last time I played was summer 2021. So I decided to come back a month ago. I feel the game got some improvements, very little I may add. However, it seems that the game just became, even more than before, boring and repetitive with decks that are just completely unfair. I don't remember the name of the cards per se. But I get to see some "combos" were the enemy just has 3 cards left and I had 5 or 6 left and yet he manages to pull something like +60 in two movements.

Is not a strategical and smart game (the basic version inside the Witcher 3 was). Is just a bunch of card that are extremely overpowered.

Plus it makes even more obvious when you can clearly see the leader power and know exactly what to expect. There is not really mental work, just putting the same overpowered cards over and over. And when some luck they can't pull it off right away and you are winning, they quit!!!! They can't even think outside the box of their repetitive overpowered strategy.

I'm also well aware that I play with the most weakest and unfair of all factions, Skillige.

But at this point I feel I have to leave the game again for another good year to see if it makes any real improvement. But honestly I have no hope whatsoever, they made very clear that they are incapable of balancing the game.

And please, do not come with that cheap "just play better bla bla bla". As I previously stayed I've been playing the game since the beginning and I have seen countless amount of people leaving the game for the same reason.

Additionally I feel the game also became extremely overcomplicate for new players, the learning curve for new people is a constant "wtf who did he pulled that?" Or " what all this means"?

As something positive, last week the was a move where every time you out a card it gets duplicate it and get a -4 I think. That was actually fun as It was more chaotic and there for """"""""""kinda fair""""""""" with the ramdon combination. But is not available anymore, not sure if it will comeback.

Does anyone feeling like this? Coming every so often only to be disappointed again and leaving for a while?

Thank you for taking the time of reading this rant. Lol


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