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Is Yagluth supposed to be this hard?

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

I am ~180 hours in, and i finally decided to fight Yagluth tonight. I like playing games blind so i didn't know what i needed to prepare for the fight.

I took my standart loadout of root armor+lox cape. For food, i brought sausages, wolf jerky and eyescream. For weapons, i brought a sliver knife, the poison bow and 400 arrows (300needles, 100 wood). Everything is max level aside from 2 piece of root armor and my levels were in the mid-high 50s.

I start the fight and learn immediately that arrows are worthless. I then spend the next couple minutes running around him to learn his attack patterns. During this time, i learn that my armor is also worthless, as even tho i can survive the initial hit, i get burned to death right after. This leaves me with nothing but knife. After a couple pass, i learn that hits with the knife are inconsistent. Hits on the skull sometimes don't count so i have to attackthe side arms. At this point, the map is already littered with with death markers. But i have gotten used to his attack parttern. With this knowledge, i focus and spent the next 30min dodging and shanking him. My run is ended when i get trapped under his arm while trying to dodge.

At the end, my knife only had 1/3 durability left while Yagluth was still at over 65% health so my weapon was gonna break way before his death.

Is the fight supposed to be this hard? Did i get unlucky and happened to bring the worse possible loadout to fight?


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