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It seems to work

Ok so the paint is a little scuffed up, but yes, I can sit on top of a fuel star, scoop at maximum output, and charge the drive sitting on top of the star and then engage while still mining fuel. So it kinda melts the what? That was the ultimate goal in this poverty pony build class. I mean as far as RPGS go I'm probably barely lvl 20 and the cap is 99 lol.

So onto my update on the the accidental side effect of Nemo somehow being the smuggler ship I kinda wanted when I bought this game.

I can take on wanted passenger x and take him on his tour, stop and get his stuff he demanded and fly him back. I'm using the automated docking computer every time. I even picked up a group of tourists and delivered them to slavery. Where was the space popo? Eating doughnuts or in my towns case..Chick FIL A. Lol. The only scan I ever got was upon returning said wanted tourist to his home base. I dropped a heatsink, and not only did it disrupt the scan but the docking computer landed me before it was actually deployed, so I didn't even have to buy another 25 credit

I have a question for the more experienced players here. I bought an alliance chieftain with my ill gotten gains so far. I would like some advice on the proper way to equip said chieftain to be a DPS pirate killer, and I would also like to know that if I buy the crusader can I dock my dolphin in it? I have an interesting idea for that build..if it's possible 🙂


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