Season 3 was made for new and less skilled players change my mind

Hear me out just listen

  1. Crypto
    Crypto is a character who you basically don’t have to get into a fight all game because you can just Camo and use your drone and help your team with the drone he’s honestly really easy to use and was probably made for new players to discover everything they need to know in game without having to be the pro try sweaty 20k kills wraith main

  2. The charge rifle
    I don’t really have to explain it you don’t have to be good at aiming as soon as your on your target you got em no bullet travel stuff no predictions no nothing just tap and go

  3. Worlds edge
    Worlds edge is a awesome map don’t get me wrong but I think it’s so colourful and bright so players know where they are. Newer players in earlier seasons probably got lost in the map not knowing where they are because kings canyon was practically orange and nothing else so you don’t know if your in skull town or the middle of the desert but with the brighter map that varies in colours you know where you are if your in a lava filled area are you know your in lava city and if your in a snowy and icy area your in epicentre.
    Not saying anything’s wrong with respawn trying to make it more player friendly just pointing out this that I haven’t seen anyone talk about


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