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It shouldn’t be this hard to get back to my ship

This might just be a rant, dunno. I was in the Fei Lin system and decided to try a mission. I went to the settlement and a guard started to scan me. I ducked around a corner so the whole settlement instantly started trying to kill me (because of course refusing an ID check is a death sentence?). They eventually killed me and I respawned in a prison ship. My ship wasn't there so I got a taxi back to a surface settlement to call my ship. Except there was no-one at inter astra to talk to. I gave up for the night, logged back in the next day and there was still no way to call my ship (?). I got another taxi to a small station and discovered there's no inter astra at small stations. SO I got ANOTHER taxi to a system with a starport after clicking through half a dozen nearby systems. 6 minutes and 70k to transfer my ship. So failing a mission that might have paid me 140k has cost me nearly 2 hours of frustration and 70k just to get my ship.

Elite is a game about ships. It should be very easy to get to my ship – makes on foot gameplay feel extremely pointless if this is the experience vs earning 100m mining in that same amount of time. Am I missing some super obvious "call ship" function I should have used?

On foot missions should pay 10+ times what they currently pay either way given the risks they involve :/


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