I’ve been out of the game for a while

I have nearly 1000 hours in this game, and I got them all in…I believe 2018-2019. I played as a dare from a friend, who told me that the game was so much that I'd probably never make it to the Imperial Cutter because that was the ship I loved the most. Of course, I worked my way up. Flew every ship between my T6 Hauler into the Clipper, then to the Cutter. I took my Clipper to Sag A* and a bunch of other spots. But I quit right around the time Deep Core Mining became a thing and tried to play Odyssey, but it didn't work out so well for me. I've been out of the game for a while, and I would love to bring myself back to the game. But I do truly believe that Fleet Carriers kinda ruined the game for me because now there is so much more to look for. But I want to come back as a trader/hauler in my 720t cargo Cutter and I'm curious. What can I expect to find in the game now? I liked the idea of Boots on the ground FPS Combat, but I havent experienced it yet. But genuinely speaking, should I actually come back? I'd love to, but idk if there truly is a reason for me to come back. I've heard some negatives as of late, but im curious. Outside of CG's no longer really being a thing(They stopped it when I was last on. Idk if they came back), has anything changed? Is it worth it to come back?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/v8l1v3/ive_been_out_of_the_game_for_a_while/

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