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I’ve been playing since 2019 and I had to see for my self.

I have around 2500 hours in this game since 2019.

I love this game, and all the memories with my friends I gathered playing this.

Recent events made me say fuck it I am gonna cheat. So I got ESP/RADAR which just gives me a 2D map and shows me players and items and AI. I understand I will get hate for it but I had to share the truth for everyone.

The amount of hackers in every raid with me was ridiculous. I played around 70 raids in 3 days and I can honestly say 3-4 had no hacker.

Here is a summary of each map and my experience:

The ESP radar gives me a 2D Map of the entire raid where I can see all items and players and scavs.
25 raids
Blatant hacking in nighttime and daytime. Nighttime I saw a GPU/LEDX spawn on the map and just speed hacker into the room killed all the cultists before I could run in then teleported to extract. Multiple instances in night time where I got within sight range of some PMC’s and they instantly headshot me or shot near me to make me run. Few instances of fly hackers but mainly NO PVP just get loot and leave. I guess less risky. Worst map to loot as the raid is often empty before actual players get inside resort. Honestly had maybe 1-2 raids where I felt like there was no ESP at least.

No info didn’t try more than one raid

Least amount of hackers but I did not do more than 5 raids here. I didn’t run into anyone sprinting towards spawned loot on the map or detecting me when I was nowhere close.

10 raids 2 hackers. Naked with an SVD. I saw him teleport to a GPU in a duffle bag and headshot me through a tree while I watched him on the 2D map at least 200 meters away. He was very blatant just vacuumed looted. Another guy was sprinting with a pistol to valuable loot on the map. He just looted anything over 100k and left.

6 raids one hacker. He was ESP also. I watched him spawn and run directly to a duffle bag to pick up a ledx then watched him kill a 3 man squad instantly.

15 raids. Multiple hackers. Loot vacuum I saw 2 GPU disappear on map as one naked with a pistol sprinted towards the exact PC with GPU. Saw Killa once naked AK guy just speed hacked killed him.

Only had 2 cards but raids blatant hackers. Vacuum loot and leave instantly. Raid was empty in 3 minutes.
3 raids 1 hacker. Dome sniper. I watched him kill 3 people on spawn then extract. I think he was doing SBIH?

One thing I noticed. Number BSG put for PMC in each map is misleading. Some raids shoreline spawned 11 and some times entire map only 4. Every map has this issue. This explains the DEAD raid phenomenon we seem to get. Another theory but I am not sure of it. Full raids with max players always seem to have more valuable loot. BSG might have a way of changing loot spawns depending on players on the map.

If you feel like you open doors and check loot spawns and find nothing big chance if you don’t spawn next to it the guy with no stamina or speed hack took it before you even came near it.

I don’t think I will get caught nor will anyone I saw hacking. Buying a hack is so easy and so accessible. It’s never gonna stop this game will slowly die and become nothing because of cheaters and hackers. I for the record feel like an absolute baboon after using ESP. All the strategic planning not moving not taking a step being quiet and changing positions mean nothing. The guy can literally see you flank and crouch walk. You just wasted 10 minutes holding your friends body because the hacker doesn’t even want ur loot he took what he wanted while you waited or he knows where you are. He literally sees you. All the times in shoreline where you rush spawns and die? Yeah he was rushing your spawn only he knew where exactly you will be. I write this with not gloating but sorrow that one of the best games I’ve ever played is dying.


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