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I’ve been recovering my Behavior Score since when I first played DoTA in 2012…

DOTA 2 Guides

Man, I was always arguing and toxic, I recently came back to DoTA 2 around I think 2019 I believe, and I was sub 1k conduct when I came back… Great, now I have to get this back up to 10k. So off and on I've been playing for years and I finally have gotten back up to 5,400! Great! Took ages, but now I need to continue going. I don't talk besides actual comms and if people are being toxic I ignore it, I just say "GG trade commends!" at the end.

Anyways, I get on today to play some more games and I get hit with this is there any reason why I lost 1k? Even though my last player report and this player report says sub 3 players reported me? It also says it threw me in LP, but I found a game really fast regardless…

Pretty shitty feeling since it took a long time to get to 5400, I'm going to keep going because I love DoTA but this adventure from years of when I was like 13 arguing all the time like a league player is such a pain to recover from. Anyways, thanks for reading.

Edit: I am duoing with a buddy that has 10k conduct, we do NOT play ranked, just norms. I don't feed or throw on just sit in fountain even when we are losing hardcore, I don't know why I would get disruptive gameplay tagged on


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