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Just a few tips for all the new people, all my opinion but I think it could help anyone new to the game :D

  1. When running, try and not use all of your available sprint, just because you have it doesn't mean you should use all of it. Having a little bit of stamina left, not only helps you aim better when your guy isn't heaving, but can also help you get behind cover if someone starts shooting at you or allows you to jump over fences to get away. I prefer to use majority of my sprint until just before it turns red so leave maybe 15-20% remaining when moving through the map, especially any mostly open maps with little cover, ex: Woods, Shoreline.
  2. When you are just starting the game, meds are SUPER important, not that they aren't ever important, but they can be really taxing on your bank roll at the beginning. Try and keep all of your meds inside of your secure container. The more you play you learn how valuable each items are and can move items out of your container when you find stuff in game to make room. I always go into raid with a full gamma container(EOD) with a CMS kit, splint(fruit rollup), vaseline(pain killers), and 2 IFAKS. IFAKS are one of the faster healing meds and they also stop bleeding so you don't need to carry bandages. They are expensive but you can keep them in your secure container and move them to your pockets for faster healing if need be.
  3. When you are playing solo, try and not run everywhere out of pure fear. A lot of the new people I kill are almost always sprinting. You should really only be sprinting somewhere if you are rushing spawn loot, in an open ass field, or someone is shooting at you. Buy you the $12k com tacs and just listen. When I play maps like shoreline, I mostly walk EVERYWHERE. As you level you start to hear further than lower levels so you can pick up on people moving towards you alot earlier, and will be less noticeable than when you are stomping around like a 4000 lb gorilla. Not only will it help you listen but it will help you react a lot faster to spotting someone, than it would if you were sprinting, because you'd have to come to a complete stop before you start shooting, and god for bid if you are out of breathe because you drained your stamina.

That is all I have for now, comments or suggestions are appreciated, but I think if you follow these suggestions you will have a much better Tarkov experience a lot earlier than most people that start this game. When I first started playing this game, I did the exact opposite of all of these tips and never understood why this game was so hard, so hopefully these help someone new.


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