Just stopped watching the Open because chat there was even worse than the usual

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If you're one of the people who started insulting Speci and sending stupid messages like "Go back to Snap" (Yes, someone actually sent a message like this. Multiple people) the moment he appeared on screen because he isn't playing Gwent right now then you're awful and a plague on this community.

I don't care if you were trolling, small things like this are what infuriates me in this community, I've seen it so many times and every time it makes me too annoyed to watch the rest of the event. Sorry for a rambly post, just had to throw it out.

PS – Just wanted to put this out there: If comments targeting Speci and calling him a "traitor" are some sort of an inside joke of his viewers, consider me fooled, bamboozled etc. A good troll. But I've seen worse and thought just in case I'd make a post about this because just passively seeing Twitch chat made me so annoyed. I may be overreacting or being trolled here but still wanted to waste some time writing this in case there are people who find comments like this acceptable.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/vputfs/just_stopped_watching_the_open_because_chat_there/

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